FAQ: Becoming a
Board Member
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Our Board of Directors is elected by our members. Once elected, the Board represents the interests of all members. They provide vision, leadership, and direction for the success of our Credit Union - today and into the future. They have a huge impact on our membership, our Credit Union, and our community.
It’s a WIN-WIN for you and your CU! The opportunities are limitless. You will enjoy participating in personal and professional development opportunities, being a leader in an innovative and growing organization, networking with community leaders, developing and showcasing your skills and knowledge, and being a part of something bigger than yourself!
A Board possesses a diverse and comprehensive skill set that is able to represent the interests of our membership. A good member may bring specialized knowledge or experience, may be an entrepreneur or farmer who knows the challenge of owning and operating a business, may have great leadership qualities or other skills to benefit our Board, may share our passion of working together to build a stronger community, or may just have a genuine interest in WCU and in being the voice of our membership.
Annual Strategic Planning: a two day event to set the vision and strategic goals for WCU.
Regular Meetings: where you encourage and evaluate progress towards the strategic goals set. You can expect regular monthly Board meetings plus ad hoc committee meetings.
Professional Development: training plans are offered to all Board members.
Community Involvement: you will represent WCU and share in the work we do in the community.
Credit Committee: our Board is not involved in member credit decisions.
Boring: a position on our Board is anything but! You get the opportunity to grow professionally and personally. It is not an easy positon, but it is interesting and rewarding!
Operational: our Board is strategic in nature, setting the vision and strategic goals and objectives. They are not involved in the day-to-day operations of the Credit Union.