Member Spark Rewards

Get rewarded when you get financially fit

We’ve always used our profits for your good.

In fact, that’s a key difference between a bank and credit union. With Member Spark Rewards, your good happens to be cold, hard cash! What a better and brighter way to bank!

The formula

Your relationship with us – or how many products you use


How much you use them – big volumes result in big rewards


How long you’ve been a member – the longer, the better.


Your Member Spark Rewards payment 

As a member – you are an owner

When we profit, you profit. Literally.

We are owned by the people who bank with us. As an owner, you share in our profits – now in cash that you can access anytime. So next time you walk in – walk in like you own the place – because you do!
Here's how it works

Our financial wellness is reflected by our members' financial wellness.

When you become financially fit, through saving, investing, and building credit, we become more profitable, too. When we profit, we share those profits with our members. Do more to become financially fit & earn more!

Learn more: the nitty-gritty

The framework

The framework for our Member Spark Rewards is simple and the rewards meaningful.

> Learn more                      > Download brochure


Find out who and what are eligible for payments and bonuses.

> Learn More                      > Download brochure


Still have questions? Check out our frequently asked questions.

> Learn More                       > Download brochure
You belong here.
We use our profits for your good, not our pockets.

We're ultra-local & here to help!

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