Financial Well-Being
Seize the opportunity to thrive
WARNING! Investing in your financial well-being
may have life-altering side-effects.
Are you ready to begin?

Check out Enrich!

Check your Financial Health Score
The four components and eight indicators of financial health
You are financially healthy when you...
Financial Self Care
- Define your goals
- Explore Money Mindfulness
- Find out your Financial Health Score
- Take the Your Money Personality quiz
- Build a budget - here's a quick course to help you get started
- Start an emergency fund - opening one online or through our Android or Apple app is effortless
- Put your bills on autopilot - you never have to worry about forgetting to pay a bill when they are set up for pre-authorized payments!
- Begin an automatic monthly savings plan - it's as easy as setting up a recurring transfer online or through our Android or Apple app
- Walk through an insurance needs assessment - and bring it with you for a meeting with a Credential Financial Strategies Inc. advisor
- Create your Financial Plan
- Make (or update) your will
Boost your financial know-how
Check out our Financial Literacy Hub for helpful tips, articles and resources.

Crash Course on Credit Cards
Before your first-year university student even unpacks, he or she may be offered two or three credit cards. That’s why it’s so important to home school your children in Credit 101 and give them ground rules for using credit before they even leave home.

The Keys to Financial Freedom
Are you living paycheque to paycheque, looking to put some money away in a savings account? Or maybe you’ve got some money saved up, but have no idea what to do with it. If you are ready to improve your financial situation, here are simple and easy steps you can take in order to get to where you want to be financially.

The Credit Book
Before making a decision to use credit, there are certain facts you should know – both in regard to your own financial position and about the types of credit available to you. This booklet will help you make better, brighter, more informed credit choices.