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Financial Well-Being

Seize the opportunity to thrive

WARNING! Investing in your financial well-being
may have life-altering side-effects. 

Investing in your financial well-being may cause you to be...
in your determination to live your best life
when she needs a hand up
& gritty when it comes to goals
in adversity, resilient in storms
in pursuit of real financial well-being

Are you ready to begin?

Check out Enrich! 

Find all of the things you need to get started on your financial wellness journey! Things like the My Money Personality - everyone's favorite financial well-being tool - plus so much more!

Check your Financial Health Score

It's a small but mighty assessment! Eight easy questions on the eight indicators of financial health. 

We created this (more than) Money Journal just for you!
Explore and improve your relationship with money through journaling. Our journal will also help you create a vision for your life and guide you to purpose-driven action.  

Download the journal now. Or if you like to put pen to paper, pick up a journal at your local branch! But hurry, only limited quantities are available. 

Financial well-being is seizing the opportunity to thrive
Financial well-being means doing good things with your money – not in the great good sense – but that you are competent in day-to-day money management know-how. It's not just about having money, but it’s about managing it. As well, it's about having the ability to withstand and recover from unexpected financial adversity.

More than that, it's about feeling good about your money. It's about being at peace with your money. It's a sense of balance and security that you are setting goals that are important to you and working toward those goals. It’s about the confidence that comes from making informed choices that lead to better financial health today and a brighter, more resilient future.

The four components and eight indicators of financial health

There are four components of financial health: Spend, Save, Borrow, and Plan. These components mirror your daily financial activities. What you do today in terms of spending, saving, borrowing, and planning either builds towards or detracts from your resilience and ability to pursue opportunities. For example, will you be able to handle a car breakdown or an extra medical bill? Will you be able to save for college or go on your dream vacation?

You are financially healthy when you...


1. Spend less than your income

2. Pay bills on time and in full


3. Have sufficient liquid savings

4. Have sufficient long-term savings


5. Have a sustainable and manageable level of debt

6. Have a prime credit score


7. Have appropriate insurance

8.  Plan ahead financially

Financial Self Care

You don't have to do everything today. In fact, most of us can't possibly do it all. So, take a breath and relax. What we can do is take the next best step. That next step may be little, but it can have big impact. Not only is it good for your financial health, but it's good for your mental and emotional health too! You learn, you grow, you celebrate, and you build your confidence. Pretty soon you'll be taking another step. And another. Before you know it, you'll be running full speed, living your best life.
Here are 11 little steps with big impact:
  1. Define your goals
  2. Explore Money Mindfulness
  3. Find out your Financial Health Score
  4. Take the Your Money Personality quiz
  5. Build a budget - here's a quick course to help you get started
  6. Start an emergency fund - opening one online or through our Android or Apple app is effortless
  7. Put your bills on autopilot - you never have to worry about forgetting to pay a bill when they are set up for pre-authorized payments! 
  8. Begin an automatic monthly savings plan - it's as easy as setting up a recurring transfer online or through our Android or Apple app
  9. Walk through an insurance needs assessment - and bring it with you for a meeting with a Credential Financial Strategies Inc. advisor  
  10. Create your Financial Plan 
  11. Make (or update) your will
Or, it can be as easy as having a conversation; your financial well-being is our only focus. Book a meeting online or give us a call at 306.842.6641.

Boost your financial know-how

Check out our Financial Literacy Hub for helpful tips, articles and resources.

Crash Course on Credit Cards

Before your first-year university student even unpacks, he or she may be offered two or three credit cards. That’s why it’s so important to home school your children in Credit 101 and give them ground rules for using credit before they even leave home. 

The Keys to Financial Freedom

Are you living paycheque to paycheque, looking to put some money away in a savings account? Or maybe you’ve got some money saved up, but have no idea what to do with it. If you are ready to improve your financial situation, here are simple and easy steps you can take in order to get to where you want to be financially.

The Credit Book

Before making a decision to use credit, there are certain facts you should know – both in regard to your own financial position and about the types of credit available to you. This booklet will help you make better, brighter, more informed credit choices.

See how smart investing can help you reach your goals faster.

Check out our handy savings calculators.

We're ultra-local & here to help!

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