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Stocks, Bonds & Other Investments

Fueling your future

Investing simply means putting your money to work so it can make more money.
For many Canadians, investing is not only prudent—it’s a necessity.

There are many different ways you can go about investing; stocks and bonds are a couple of the ways.


When you buy stocks or “equities,” you become a part owner in a business. Depending on the size of the business, there could be hundreds or thousands of other part owners, or shareholders. 

You can make money on a stock in two ways: if the stock increases in value and if the company pays a dividend. A dividend is any profits the company allocates to its shareholders. However, there are no guarantees that a stock will make money or that the company will pay a dividend. The value of a stock can go up or down— sometimes frequently and sometimes by a lot.

Stocks can provide higher returns than other types of investments, but you also have a higher risk of losing some or all of your investment.


When you buy a bond, you are lending your money to a government or company for a certain period of time. In return, they promise to pay you a fixed rate of interest at certain times and to repay the “face value” at the end of the bond’s term (its maturity date).

Bonds typically offer better rates of return than cash investments because you’re taking on more risk by lending out your money for a longer period. Many bonds come with a guarantee and are relatively safe. Others offer much higher rates of return, but can be very risky and have no guarantees.

Alternative investments

Alternative investments include more complicated types of investments like options, futures and forward contracts, income trusts, limited partnerships, hedge funds and foreign currency trading. These are typically meant for sophisticated investors who can afford to take more risks.

Investing tailored to you

Do-it-yourself investing 

Invest for yourself anytime, anywhere with an award-winning trading platform: Qtrade Direct Investing®.

Personal advice

Take advantage of expert support to plan, monitor, and manage every aspect of your investment strategy through Aviso Wealth.
Before you invest

The bottom line is that it’s your money and who will care more about your money than you? No matter who’s actually handling your investments, only you will know if you are comfortable with the investment choices.

  • Make sure you understand how the investment works, including any fees, and whether it fits with your goals and risk tolerance. In investing, the higher the potential return, the higher the risk. There’s no such thing as a high return, risk-free investment. If you want higher returns, you have to be prepared to accept the risks that go along with them.
  • Income tax is another important consideration. Interest, dividends and capital gains are all treated differently for tax purposes and that will affect your return from an investment.
  • A registered adviser can help you assess your financial needs, goals and tax situation. An adviser can also help you build a portfolio and recommend suitable investments for you.

Whether you have an adviser or invest on your own, don’t invest in anything that you don’t fully understand. Take your time when making investment decisions and never sign documents you have not read carefully.

Boost your financial know-how

Check out our Financial Literacy Hub for helpful tips, articles and resources.

Investments at-a-glance

This guide, from our friends at Canadian Securities Administrators,  tells you about different kinds of investments and some things to keep in mind when you’re considering an investment.

Good Wealth Sparks Good Health

If money stresses you out more than anything else, you’re not alone. For the fourth time running, the FP Canada™ Financial Stress Index—conducted in 2021, 2020, 2018 and 2014—shows that money is the No. 1 source of stress in Canadians’ lives.

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Online brokerage services are offered through Qtrade Direct Investing. Mutual funds and other securities are offered through Aviso Wealth. Qtrade Direct Investing and Aviso Wealth are divisions of Aviso Financial Inc. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments.  Please read the prospectus before investing.  Unless otherwise stated, mutual funds and other securities are not insured nor guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. 

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